Hi, I'm


I'm a Software Engineer.


Happy Barf

This project is an e-commerce website for an Italian business that sells organic dog food. In terms of design this website is fully responsive, has clean animations through framer-motion and react-hot-toast, a friendly colour scheme and a user-friendly interface. In terms of functionality, it uses Sanity as a database for all products, Stripe js for online payments and react-redux for global state management.

GIFs for desktop and mobile view :

The London House Butchery

This project was originally an e-commerce website for a butchery, however the client was not ready to implement online shopping. Fully responsive, clean animations, classy colour scheme, mapbox, commerce Js and a user-friendly interface.

GIFs for desktop and mobile view :

Deliveroo Clone

This is a clone of the Deliveroo app built with React Native and many other resources. It is an expo application which uses Sanity.io, an extremely powerful platform for structured content. All information is pulled in from the Sanity database using Groq Query Language. For clean navigation through different screens I used React Native Navigation. The CSS was done with Tailwind and to manage and centralize application state, I used Redux. Finally I used Mapbox to show restaurant locations.

Source Code
Live Demo
GIF for mobile view :

Bux - Banking App

This small project is a landing page for a banking website. It is a minimalist design but very effective. Fully responsive, clean animations, smooth scroll and a very user-friendly interface. (Pure design showcase, no Sign In/Sign Up feature included)

GIFs for desktop and mobile view :

My Watchlist

This small project is a website for planning films you would like to watch. The design is extremely simple as the main showcase of this project is utilizing local storage to save a users watchlist. It is fully responsive, and a very user-friendly interface. (Dummy sign-in page - Username:watch Password:list)

GIFs for desktop and mobile view :

Wordle - Clone

This is a clone of the popular game "Wordle" which has taken the internet by storm. Such a simple game yet so fun. This build is almost purely Javascript and shows my knowledge of Javascript. Press the "Live Demo" button and have a go yourself. (PC only for now).

GIFs for desktop and mobile view :


I am a Computer Engineering student finishing my studies, looking to get started in Software Engineering. I started this journey in 2020 and love coming up with new, innovative designs. I like problem solving and more importantly learning new skills.

When I am not coding I am most likely playing sports like football, tennis or basketball, in the gym, gaming or binge-watching a Netflix series.